ECOBAL Application

The Ecumenical Council of Bishops & Apostolic Leadership (ECOBAL) is a distinguished institution dedicated to the education and development of those called to the Episcopacy and Apostolic leadership. Under the guidance of Presiding Prelate, Archbishop Devin D. Owens, ECOBAL is served by esteemed and highly anointed Bishops, Apostles, and ministry gifts aligned with Ephesians 4:11. This organization has made a profound impact in the Kingdom by training, affirming, and consecrating capable leaders who are excelling in ministry. ECOBAL remains committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and faithfulness as outlined in the Word of God. Its theological mission is to demonstrate Kingdom principles and proclaim the redemptive power of Calvary.

ECOBAL hosts annual gatherings across the United States, covering diverse themes and topics designed to equip and train Episcopal and Apostolic leaders. These gatherings also foster cross-cultural and multi-denominational fellowship, impartation, and holistic ministry development. The organization has brought together national and international ministry leaders, many of whom are experts in Christian education and various fields of ministry. Through the contributions of seasoned educators and advisors, ECOBAL has developed an exceptional curriculum and training model, offering continued education through lectures, seminars, online courses, and one-on-one mentoring to empower and advance its members.